Thanksgiving Gathering
Happy Thanksgiving! May God bless your gathering today. Use the below prayer as you sit down to dinner. Make talking with God a habit in your household.
We pray:
Gracious God, every good and perfect gift comes from you, our heavenly Father. Thank you for gifts of family, home, food and all we need for this life. Thank you for the gift of your Word which strengthens our faith and teaches us all we need for eternal life. Forgive us when we do not appreciate or use these gifts to your glory. Thank you for the gift of your Son by whom we have forgiveness for our sins and the promise of your ongoing blessings. Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us life and all we need for our bodies.
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving your life to pay for our sins and give us eternal life.
Holy Spirit, thank you for giving us faith through your Word and Sacraments.
Triune God, we thank and praise you for all we have and all we are.
Gracious God, Giver of all Good Things: Thank you for allowing us to gather together today as friends/family to enjoy this food and the company of each other. You give us these relationships as a way of taking care of us, giving us good work to do as we serve one another and build each other up. We thank you for the blessing of friends/family. We ask that you forgive us when we fail each other, and forgive us when we fail you. We know that your Son, Jesus, paid for our shortcomings and lived a perfect life for us, doing all the good we fail to do. Make us truly thankful for the gift of forgiveness, and for the bountiful gifts we enjoy today. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.